Pakistan 2015 // Notable Miracles
Thank you so much to those of you who prayed for us as few headed to Pakistan. Your prayers were heard, felt and answered.
And thank you to those of you who gave into this work. This would not have been possible without your generosity.
The team (Pastor Ian Denton, Tim Cornah and myself) almost cancelled our trip one day before we left. What we thought was going to be a trip with 4 large meetings became 18 meetings in 15 churches/villages in 11 days.
The British government put a warning up for us to be careful when we go and advised against it. But the day before we left we decided we needed to go, even though we didn’t have a mode of travel or a place to stay. But at the 11th hour our Pakistani friends had some small miracles take place.
Our accommodation was provided free of charge and a wealthy Pakistani business man provided our travel arrangements with a driver and personal security guard (with his very real AK-47).Other than the team from the UK we met up with our friends from Pakistan who were Daniel Peter and his father Peter as well as our driver, security guard and two pastors.
Daniel and Peter oversee about 20 Churches and are doing a great work.
I will be as brief as possible. So much happened and we saw so many miracles that our minds were blown and our faith has dramatically increased for the future.
Here’s an overview of what happened…
- 11 days.
- 18 Church meetings.
- 15 Churches/villages.
I personally preached 14 times and ministered all 18. - Meeting in peoples houses every day in-between church meetings.
- Lots of miles driven in our cramped people carrier.
- So. Much. Food.
Notable miracles
An 11 year old who had never spoken before received his voice. His first word was “Jesus”. His second was “Hallelujah”. The village went wild and his sister gave her life to the Lord. A year later, we have heard that he's now in a mainstream school (he'd never been to school before) and he's doing well.
A 95 year old Muslim man experienced God’s power and fell to the floor. When he got up he screamed “Hallelujah” and gave his life to Jesus for the first time.
We rebuked a spirit of death of a woman dying of an unknown illness who hadn’t eaten properly in months. She wept so hard for so long. She woke up the next day and ate lots of food and has been putting on weight ever since.
A woman suffering from strokes was able to lift her arm for the first time in 10 years.
The place where we stayed is owned by a Muslim family. We visited them and they said we could pray for them. They had been complaining of bad dreams and illness for the past 5 years. They believed a curse was put on them. The dad had lost his business 5 years ago too and all of their children had illness. We prayed and started to bless them, reversing the curse. The mother manifest and got violent. We rebuked the unclean spirit, she screamed and fell to the floor. When she got up she saw she was also healed. The whole family gave their lives to the Lord that day. The next day we went to say goodbye to them and she was smiling so big, having had the first good nights sleep in many years. And the diabetes blood sugar was normal without any drugs.
Lots of Muslims gave their lives to the Lord, especially after experiencing the power of God and being healed.
The place where we stayed is owned by a Muslim family. We visited them and they said we could pray for them. They had been complaining of bad dreams and illness for the past 5 years. They believed a curse was put on them. The dad had lost his business 5 years ago too and all of their children had illness.
We prayed and started to bless them, reversing the curse. The mother manifest and got violent. We rebuked the unclean spirit, she screamed and fell to the floor. When she got up she saw she was also healed. The whole family gave their lives to the Lord that day.
The next day we went to say goodbye to them and she was smiling so big, having had the first good nights sleep in many years. And the diabetes blood sugar was normal without any drugs.
We don’t know how many people were saved, healed and delivered as we didn’t keep count. The churches were packed, and I mean packed!
As we prayed after preaching the fire of the Holy Spirit fell. People were shaking and falling all over the place, being gloriously filled to overflowing. So many received the gift of tongues and the gift of prophecy flowed freely.
Ian and Tim laboured in peoples healing if it took a bit more time.
It was a great team effort where we all preached and prayed for the sick.
God is so good and I wish I could tell all of the stories. If you’d like to support what we’re doing in the UK, Uganda, Pakistan and any other nation that invites us then please consider supporting us. God bless you.