about steven
in his own words.
Greetings to the “about me” portion of this website.
Where to start?
First and foremost I’m a husband to Emily, and together we have five wonderful children. My family are my ministry before I ever serve another human being. There’s no point winning the world but losing your own family.
I oversee a vibrant 5-fold apostolic ministry based in Central Florida that exists to see His kingdom come in every facet of society.
In a nutshell, I’m an apostolic evangelist, having served as a church leader covering many roles from chief toilet cleaner to congregation leader and literally every role in between. I’ve been in some form of ministry since 1996, all while working full-time in my career as a housebuilder.
My passion started on the streets of Orlando evangelizing and telling the world about Jesus. Having seen many people saved, healed, and delivered while preaching, my heart has burned for the lost and then burned to see them discipled and sent out into their purpose.
God has graciously worked through me while functioning as an evangelist, pastor, and church planter. Whether it be mass Gospel crusades, a room of 20, or one on one, I will go where and to whom God sends me.
When people get saved, myself and the team get them plugged into healthy local churches. If a healthy church doesn’t exist in their area then we plant one.
I believe in the local church. It is our home where we can be loved, a home we can serve others in, a community, and to be trained up and sent out into this world.
I grew up on the south coast of England in a non-Christian home. My mother a bar-maid and my father a sailor in the Royal Navy. A chain of supernatural events caused me to seek answers to this life and the life to come and I was introduced to Jesus. I surrendered my heart to Him after hearing the Gospel for the first time.
I’ve preached the Gospel on 5 continents. And planted or helped plant Churches in the USA, UK, Uganda, and Nigeria.
God always amazes me in His ability and willingness to do the impossible.
I'm ministering in partnership with Ignite Global Missions, Ignite Church, and commissioned through Remnant Christian Center, with financial and moral accountability to and with Christian Life Missions.
I pastor the pastors and train up new generations of church planters to fulfill the Great Commission.
pastoring pastors.
Pastoring pastors. What does that mean? I fell into this by accident. In the course of being in the ministry since 1996, I found that it can be a lonely road. Often very busy on the weekends and quiet during the week. Unless we fill our week with golfing, lunches and ministry related meetings. Which can still cause us to feel alone -even moreso- although we're surrounded by others.
To prevent isolation, I have always sought to maintain genuine connection with my colleagues in the ministry. And found myself listening to so many stories. A fair bit of heartache. And sometimes, just practical issues which I'd already faced in the past.
So with a genuine heart to see pastors and other church leaders not become isolated or untouchable, I offer myself as a support to all.
Having been part of an incredible amount of church politics, witnessing and experiencing spiritual abuse, and also experiencing a great deal of healthy, growing and sustainable church leadership models, I have a deep level of experience and understanding for what you may be going through.
And due to the life threatening -and incurable- disease my daughter lives with, I have also had my share of suffering and know what it means to live in the tension between the life we experience and and life God has for us outside of that suffering.
If you're a church leader desiring connection, guidance or someone to rant to, please get in touch.